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Image by Gabrielle Henderson


Financial Statements

Financial Statements

Our accountant uses general ledger information from your accounting software to prepare financial statements.  These statements can include balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. 



Information compiled without any opinion or assurance by the auditor.  Our firm takes your information and “compiles” it into a set of financial statements.   This form of financial presentation is used by businesses and organizations to better manage the organization.  



This method is narrower in scope than an audit, still providing an evaluation of your business’ books, but limiting the accountant’s analysis to analytical procedures and assessment of management.



Audits afford the highest level of assurance provided by our certified public accountants.  The assurance is offered in the form of an independent, objective opinion as to whether the financial statements are fairly stated in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework and generally accepted accounting principles.

Agreed Upon Procedures

Agreed Upon Procedures

The client determines the specific subject matter for which procedures will be performed.  Lally Group provides only factual findings and does not offer opinions, conclusions, or assurances in the final report.  These can be performed for various situations in which the client has concerns that they would like for us to look into and then offer advice.

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